About Me

Sparks of the Soul – something you saw or experienced that moved you in some way (good or bad) and spoke to you on some deeply personal level.

This is where my Art comes from – a moment in time when something – a feeling, a color, the beginnings of an idea – sparked my Soul and made me pull out a blank canvas or piece of paper and create…..something.

Sometimes those sparks grew layers, or legs, or branches or wings. Sometimes they remained in their original form content to just abstractly BE. Whether processing something deep like  divorce or the 4 heart attacks and lung cancer I've survived, or just having fun pouring and blending colors - All of them spoke to me and moved thru my Soul at a particular point in time helping me evolve in some way.

As I see it, we are here to experience the depths, beauty and wonder of everything life has to offer – to have deep Soul reaching experiences for as long as we are blessed to have. As a lifelong artist to the core of my Soul, my gift is to interpret the moments that moved me, and the world as I see or desire it to be and share it with others. I love color (and all its depth, soft and vibrant variations), sparkles and swirls, and bits of spiritual and whimsical magic. My art and writings are a reflection of the Soul touching things that inspire me and bring me growth, healing and joy.

I have no idea where these Soul Sparks will take me next. But I do know it will be an exciting journey and full of expansion if my sketchbooks, journals, and the abundant flow of ideas constantly flooding me have anything to say about it.

If your Soul has been sparked by my Art or words, or you’d just like to come along for the ride and see what might be next – subscribe to my email list below for occasional Art updates, Soul musings and special events. I promise not to bombard your inbox on a daily or weekly basis - I certainly don’t enjoy that from others and I will never be that person to you. You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram @AndreaMorganArtandSoul.

More about me

*I was born and raised in Plymouth Michigan. I am the oldest
of 3 girls.

*Art has always been a Soul passion of mine and I began
taking private art lessons with a tutor when I was 5, as well as many other drawing and painting classes thru my school age years.

*I attended the Columbus College of Art and Design on a half
tuition scholarship (1990-91, ‘92-‘93)

*Life took a big pivot in the middle of college when I got
married and started a family. We lived in the Columbus/Lewis Center Ohio area.

*I have 3 grown children -2 girls and boy - who are building incredible lives of their own and helping me with the business side of my art
career in their spare time.

*I began painting murals in our own home when my youngest
son was a baby, and by word of mouth recommendations, began to build a creative painting business for myself.

*My mural business is called Beyond the Canvas Murals LLC
and I have painted murals across the country in private homes and businesses for 25 years now with daycare schools and pediatric dentist offices being some of my biggest clients.

*You can find my mural work at Beyondthecanvasmurals.com and
on social media under the same name.

*I moved to Charlotte North Carolina in 2018 after 28 years
in Ohio, an empty nest and an amicable divorce, to make a fresh start for myself.

* I have survived 4 heart attacks (caused by SCAD - spontaneous coronary artery dissection) that left permanent damage to my heart.... and most recently had lung cancer requiring half my right lung to be removed. The lower energy toll on my physical health has me leaning away from the heavy physical labor of murals, wall, furniture and cabinet painting (which I also do), and working towards becoming a full time studio artist.